Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Laser Satellite Communication.

1. Introduction

Communication technology has experienced a
continual development to higher and higher carrier
frequencies, starting from a few hundred kilohertz at
Marconi's time to several hundred terahertz since we
employ lasers in fiber systems. The main driving force
was that the usable bandwidth - and hence
transmission capacity - increases proportional to the
carrier frequency. Another asset comes into play in
free-space point-to-point links. The minimum
divergence obtainable with a freely propagating beam
of electromagnetic waves scales proportional to the
wavelength. The jump from microwaves to light
waves therefore means a reduction in beamwidth by
orders of magnitude, even if we use transmit antennas
of much smaller diameter. The reduced beamwidth
does not only imply increased intensity at the receiver
site but also reduced cross talk between closely
operating links and less chance for eavesdropping.
Space communication, as employed in satellite-to-
satellite links, is traditionally performed using
microwaves. For more than twenty five years,
however, laser systems are being investigated as
alternatives. 1-3) One hopes that mass, power
consumption, and size of an optical transceiver
module will be smaller than that of a microwave
transceiver. Also, fuel consumption for satellite
attitude control when quickly re-directing antennas
should be less for optical antennas. On the other hand,
a new set of problems had to be addressed in
connection with the extreme requirements for
pointing, acquiring, and tracking the narrow-width
laser beams.
In this tutorial we will first discuss the basics of an
optical free space link (Sect. 2) and then point out the
differences to terrestrial fiber systems and to
microwave links in Sect. 3. Section 4 presents the
requirements for and the available technologies to
implement transmitters, receivers, optical antennas, as
well as the PAT system (PAT...pointing, acquisition,
and tracking). Next we sketch application scenarios,
and we conclude with both a glimpse onto past and
future system technologies.

2. System Layout

A scenario typical for the transmission system in
question asks for  point-to-point data transfer between
two spacecraft. The distances to be
bridged may extend anywhere from a few hundred
kilometers to 70 000 km (e.g. in near-earth
applications) up to millions of kilometers in case of
signals transmitted by a space probe.4) Today the data
rates in mind range from several hundred kbit/s to
some 10 Gbit/s.
Terminals for optical communication in space are
mostly designed for bi-directional links, at least
concerning the optical tracking function. They
comprise both a transmitter and a receiver that
generally share the optical antenna. Another
peculiarity is the necessity of beam steering (or
pointing) capability with sub-microradian angular
resolution and possibly with an angular coverage
exceeding a hemisphere.
These requirements lead to a transceiver block
diagramlevels of the duplexer are an essential prerequisite.
Duplexers can be based on spectral discrimination (i.e.
filtering), on polarization diversity, or on both. Hence
a common suggestion is to use left hand and right
hand circularly polarized light for the two directions,
respectively. This also makes the transmission
insensitive against rotation of the terminals along their
antenna axes. Because polarization duplexing will
provide only some 15 dB of isolation, wavelength
duplexing must be designed into the system in any
For the general case that both terminals experience
a relative velocity along the line-of-sight, vD, the
Doppler effect will yield a frequency shift ∆f in the
received signal. As long as vD << c (c ... velocity of
light), one has ∆f = vD/λ where λ is the carrier
wavelength. In a LEO-GEO* link, vD may amount up
to some ± 8⋅103 m/s. Because of the small wavelength,
the resulting Doppler shift is large and amounts up to
± 7.5 GHz at λ = 1.06 µm for the example cited. Such
a large frequency shift might be negligible in a direct
detection receiver (as long as no extremely narrow
optical filtering is applied). In a heterodyne receiver,**
however, the frequency shift has to be compensated by
either tuning the local laser oscillator, by tuning the
electrical oscillator in a second intermediate frequency
stage, or by both.
In space applications - even more than in undersea
fiber systems - reliability and lifetime is of special
importance. As examples, the laser source itself or a
(cooled) detector may represent a weak point
concerning reliability and thus require redundancy.
Other subunits, like the telescope or the coarse
pointing assembly may be too bulky and present such
a high fraction of the mass budget that a single failure
point is accepted in their case.

3.2 Differences to microwave systems
At a first glance, the equation governing the
amount of power received in an optical directional
link, PR, is the same as one knows from microwave
links, namely

Here PT is the optical output power generated at the
transmitter, GT and GR are the gain values of the
transmit and receive antenna, λ is the carrier
wavelength, R the distance between the terminals and
the factors LT and LR cover the loss within the transmit
and receive terminal. However, the last factor, LP,
which accounts for loss caused by non-ideal pointing,
may correspond to several dB in a free-space laser
link: Because of the extremely small beamwidths
involved in optical links, transmit and receive antenna
will, in general, not yield their maximum gain. Despite
the implementation of an active tracking control loop
 LEO..low earth orbiting (satellite), GEO..geostationary (satellite),
see also Sect. 5
 see Sect. 4.2
to align the antenna axes, some mispointing will
persist and the receive intensity will vary statistically.
To a first approximation, the antenna gains GT, GR
are related to the diameters of the (circular) transmit
and receive antenna, DT, DR as

Substituting (2) into (1) reveals the 1/λ2-dependence
of receive power PR which makes the optical regime
so attractive compared to microwaves. Equation (2) is
applicable in case of diffraction limited antenna
operation. The full beam divergence then obtained is
on the order of
The very small beamwidths θ at optical frequencies
(some 5 µrad for typical values of λ and DT) are, of
course, the reason for the high antenna gain achievable
(some 115 dB). However, this advantage is not gained
for free: Establishing and maintaining contact with
extremely narrow beams is a tough task, especially if
transmitter and receiver change their relative position
(see Sect. 4.4).
One critical aspect of intersatellite laser
communications with narrow beams results from the
need to introduce a point ahead angle. Because of the
finite velocity of light (c) and the relative angular
velocity of two communication terminals moving in
space, the transmit beam must be directed towards the
receiver's position it will have at some later time. This
point ahead angle is given by 5)

where vR is the relative velocity component of
transmitter and receiver, orthogonal to the line-of-
sight, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Point ahead is generally
required in both dimensions. It amounts up to 40 µrad
for a GEO-GEO link and up to 70 µrad for a LEO-
GEO link and may thus be appreciably larger than the
beamwidth. The point ahead angle can be introduced
in either the receive or the transmit path of each
transceiver and must be adjustable if vR varies with
time. It is difficult to design a control loop for
automatic adjustment of point ahead. Therefore today's
concepts rely on the calculation of point ahead angles
from known ephemeris data and on open loop

4. Requirements and technology

4.1  Data transmitter
The main parameters characterizing the optical
source are wavelength, output power, transverse mode,

polarization, linewidth, and modulation capability. A
smaller wavelength requires increased surface quality
of optical elements which in turn asks for bulkier
devices if diffraction limited operation is essential.
Thus the mass of the antenna (and hence the load for
the coarse pointing assembly) is strongly influenced
by the choice of λ. Also, the wavelength dependence
of the sensitivity of available optical receivers must be
considered. The output power will have to be in the
range of 100 mW and 1 W, depending on the link
distance and data rate. It should be available in a
single transverse mode to achieve maximum on-axis
antenna gain, and in a single longitudinal mode to
obtain optimum spectral efficiency. For coherent
reception, phase noise is detrimental and thus a narrow
linewidth of both the transmitter laser and the local
laser oscillator in the receiver is required. The usually
linear state of polarization emitted by the laser source
is to be converted into circular polarization before the
beam leaves the terminal (see Sect. 3.1). Modulation
may be achieved directly (e.g. in case of diode lasers
and moderate data rates) or with an external
modulator. Especially in connection with a subsequent
optical booster amplifier, the insertion loss introduced
by an electro-optic or acousto-optic modulator may be
tolerable. As with fiber systems, binary modulation
formats are envisaged for space links. In connection
with a coherent receiver, phase shift keying (and
possibly frequency shift keying) is an attractive
alternative to on-off keying, as it makes better use of
the carrier power.

4.2 Data receiver
For space applications, good  receiver sensitivity is
an extremely valuable asset, not at least because no in-
line amplification is possible. It is often characterized
by the minimum number of input photons per bit to
achieve a bit error probability of 10-6. If other sources
of noise than that due to the quantum nature of
radiation are negligible, a direct detection receiver
needs n = 6.6 photons/bit. As an example for a
coherent receiver, a homodyne receiver with PSK
modulation would require n = 5.6 photons/bit.*** To
what extent this quantum limit is reached in practice
depends on the engineer’s ability to make negligible
the effect of other noise contributions, as there is
– excess noise in avalanche photodiodes (APDs),
– optical preamplifier noise (amplified spontaneous
– transistor noise and circuit noise in the receiver
– laser phase noise,
– transmit-receive cross coupling,
– background radiation.
Today direct receivers employing APDs can be
used up to 2.5 Gbit/s. Their sensitivity is determined
by electronic and by multiplication noise and may be
less than 100 photons/bit at low data rates.6) With
optical preamplification by an Erbium-doped fiber
amplifier, direct receivers have shown sensitivities of
40 photons/bit at 10 Gbit/s.7)
With coherent reception, the received optical field
is transposed into the electrical regime (intermediate
frequency, IF) by mixing it with the field of a local
laser oscillator.8) A photodetector serves as mixer
element. Information is preserved not only about
amplitude but also about frequency and phase of the
received field, hence frequency and phase modulated
optical signals can be detected, too.

 As optical mixers
have sensitive areas with dimensions large compared
to the wavelength, in the optical regime the spatial
modes of received and local field have to be matched
to obtain maximum IF signal. Matching  requires
identical polarization and asks for equal amplitude and
phase distribution, the latter two optimized with
respect to the mixer element.
Coherent receivers perfectly reject radiation from
other than the nominal input direction. Equally well
they discriminate against unwanted spectral
components by their IF filter. Therefore they are a
priori less sensitive against background radiation and
cross talk.

 An experimental heterodyne receiver with
phase shift keying at 565 Mbit/s has demonstrated a
sensitivity of 22 photons/bit.9)

4.3 Antennas
The transmit antenna is essentially a telescope
which magnifies the diameter of the beam emitted by
the laser (or by a booster amplifier). This beam is
generally well modeled by a Gaussian intensity
distribution. The antenna will not only introduce
truncation via its finite diameter DT but may also cause
some central obscuration, depending on the telescope's
construction. These two effects reduce the ideal on-
axis antenna gain given by equ. (2) by typically 1.5
dB.10) The antenna pattern resembles that of an Airy
pattern. Alignment tolerances of the optical elements
constituting the telescope are usually very tight, as the
output beam has to be perfectly collimated for
maximum gain.
The main specifications of the optical antenna are:
diameter of primary mirror (or lens), magnification,
aberrations, wavelength dependence of throughput,
sensitivity to temperature changes and gradients, and
stray light level. Usually, refractive telescopes are
envisaged in case of small diameters while reflective
systems are preferred for diameters exceeding several
centimeters. With increasing antenna aperture it
becomes more and more difficult (and expensive) to
meet specifications. Large antennas will also increase
the mass and size of an optical transceiver
considerably, as the telescope and the coarse pointing
assembly do contribute appreciably to these
characteristics. Presently it is felt that the diameter of
diffraction limited antennas should not exceed some
25 cm for free-space laser links. Coarse pointing may
be accomplished via  gimbal mounting the antenna or
by a separate unit consisting of two orthogonally
mounted steering mirrors or one gimbaled reflector.

4.4 Pointing, acquisition, and tracking.
To establish an optical link in space, a
sophisticated spatial pointing and acquisition
procedure must be initiated. Information on the
position of the two space terminals has to be
available. Still, because of position uncertainty and
incomplete knowledge of the spacecraft's orientation
(attitude uncertainty), one terminal's beam width has
to be widened deliberately as to illuminate the second
terminal despite the uncertainty in position. A spatial
search operation by the (narrow beam) receive path of
the second, and subsequently, of the first terminal
have to follow before acquisition is completed and
switching to the tracking mode can occur. Wide-field-
of-view acquisition detectors in the form CCDs are
most helpful.
During data transmission, the angle between the
line-of-sight and the transmit beam axis must be kept
to within a fraction of the transmit beamwidth θ which
may be as small as a few µrad. To maintain sufficient
alignment of the transmit and receive antennas despite
platform vibrations, both terminals have to be
equipped with a tracking servo loop. Optical beacons
have to be provided in both directions to render input
information for the control loops. The data carrying
beams themselves may serve as beacon, or separate
optical beams may be implemented, e.g. in a one-way
link. Tracking should ensure a mispointing of typically
less than 1 µrad. Whenever the tracking loop signals
optimum receive position, the transmitted beam (or
beacon) will be correctly directed to the opposite
terminal. This would require a perfect coaxial
alignment for the optical transmit and receive path
within each transceiver. However, some bias, or point
ahead angle, has in general to be introduced into the
alignment, as was discussed in Sect. 3.2. To ensure
short acquisition time and adequate tracking accuracy,
sufficient optical power for the acquisition and the
tracking process must be received.

5. Application scenarios

One of the first scenarios considered was a bi-
directional, symmetric link between two geostationary
satellites (GEOs). The orbital distance between the
GEO satellites may lie  anywhere between a few
degrees and some 120°, corresponding to distances
between a few thousand kilometers and 75 000 km
. Such a link has the attractive features of
a single (or very seldom) acquisition process, of a
nominally zero Doppler shift, and of low angular
tracking velocities. Connections to ground stations
could be performed with microwaves.

Large data streams generated on a low-earth-
orbiting satellite (a LEO, with a distance to ground of
less than 1000 km) may advantageously be transmitted
to a GEO acting as a relay before being directed to the
earth via microwaves (see Fig. 4b). Distances for this
asymmetric link may be as large as 45 000 km. The
concept allows continual data transfer to a single earth
station for at least half a LEO orbit.
Another use of a laser data link was already
included in the upper part. Characterized by
very large distances (e.g. millions of kilometers) and
by relatively low data rates (e.g. some 100 kbit/s),
such a link would serve to transfer data from
interplanetary and deep space probes to relay satellites
orbiting the earth. This relay could be equipped with a
large receive telescope. Further transport to ground
stations would use microwaves. As an alternative, an
optical ground station would receive the probe's data
after passage through the atmosphere.
For satellite networks now being planned or
established to serve mobile data transfer,
interconnectivity  at very high data rates could be
achieved by optical links. Frequency

allocation problems - as they persist increasingly for
radio links - are practically non-existent, with the
merit of negligible mutual interference. Another
advantage is the expected smaller mass and volume of
optical terminals.

6. System technologies

The almost three decades of efforts towards
intersatellite laser links have seen various
technologies,1-3)  starting from those based on lamp-
pumped, mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers,11) on CO2
lasers 5) operating at λ = 10 µm, on GaAlAs diodes
(0.85 µm), up to those employing diode-pumped
Nd:YAG lasers (λ = 1.06 µm) 12) and InGaAsP
semiconductors operating at λ = 1.5 µm.
Only a few experimental systems have been
launched so far. The European space agency, ESA, has
put a terminal on SPOT IV, a LEO earth observation
satellite.13)  It employs a diode laser at λ = 0.85 µm and
shall transmit data at 50 Mbit/s. The counter terminal
still awaits its launch on board of the GEO satellite
ARTEMIS. The development of this system, dubbed
SILEX (semiconductor laser intersatellite link
experiment), started as early as 1985. Japan will
participate in this experiment by launching, in 2001, a
dedicated satellite named OICETS. This LEO satellite
is equipped with an optical terminal to communicate
with ARTEMIS. - Between 1994 and 1996 a laser link
was tested between a terminal placed on the Japanese
test satellite ETS-VI and ground stations in Tokyo and
in California, although the satellite did not reach the
intended GEO orbit but a highly elliptical one.14) The
down link operated with a diode laser, the up link with
an Argon laser.
For future applications, systems based on
Nd:YAG lasers 12) and on  diode lasers at 1.5 µm in
connection with Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers 7) are
investigated presently. With the specific properties
inherent to these laser sources, they lend themselves
especially to coherent detection and to optically pre-
amplified direct detection, respectively.
In the future one should take into consideration not
only recent technological developments like optical
demodulation of phase modulated signals, the use of
low-duty-cycle return-to-zero coding, or a
combination of both. One should also give serious
thoughts to use the large, mature, and reliable
technology base commercially available in the 1.5 µm
band. Only then one can hope to achieve economy in
medium-scale applications like intersatellite networks.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Satellite Imaging Corporation

Satellite Imaging Technology (Remote Sensing) has led the way to the development of hyperspectral and multispectral sensors around the world, a tool that can be used to map specific materials by detecting specific chemical and material bonds from satellite and airborne sensors. Multispectral data acquired in space and by airborne sensors have been utilized extensively for the past many years in research projects dealing with such diverse problems as land cover and topographic mapping, physical and biological oceanography, and archaeology.
Research has expanded to include analysis of hyperspectral data acquired simultaneously in tens to hundreds of narrow channels. New algorithms have been developed both to exploit the spectral information of these sensors and to better deal with the computational demands of these enormous data sets. It is an excellent tool for environmental assessments, mineral mapping and land cover mapping, wildlife habitat monitoring and general land management studies.
Multispectral imaging often can include large data sets and require specialized processing methods. Hyperspectral data sets are generally composed of about 100 to 200 spectral bands of relatively narrow bandwidths (5-10 nm), whereas, multispectral data sets are usually composed of about 5 to 10 bands of relatively large bandwidths (70-400 nm).
Actual detection of materials is dependent on the spectral coverage, spectral resolution, and signal-to-noise of the spectrometer, the abundance of the material and the strength of absorption features for that material in the wavelength region. In remote sensing situations, the surface materials mapped must be exposed in the optical surface and the diagnostic absorption features must be in regions of the spectrum that are reasonably transparent to the atmosphere.
Advanced image processing techniques from various satellite sensors such as color and panchromatic image data processing, orthorectification, pan sharpening with image data fusion, image enhancements, georeferencing, mosaicing, and color/grayscale balancing and is used in various applications.
Optional satellite imaging features may be incorporate with specialized processing procedures, which are used to analyze:

Specialized imaging processing techniques are required to convert the apparent surface reflectance before analysis can take place. Atmospheric correction such as ATCOR (Atmospheric and Topographic Correction) techniques are used to retrieve physical parameters of the earth’s surface such as atmospheric conditions (emissivity, temperature), thermal and atmospheric radiance and transmittance functions to simulate the simplified properties of a 3D atmosphere.
Classification and feature extraction methods have been commonly used for many years for the mapping of minerals and vegetative cover of multispectral and hyperspectral data sets. Vector data structure is essential to most mapping, GIS (geographic information system), and CAD (computer aided design) software packages, which might export data to vector formats such as shape files, DXF, DWG, SVC, and ASV.
Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) acquires ASTER satellite imagery worldwide.

ASTER is one of the five state-of-the-art instrument sensor systems on-board Terra a satellite launched in December 1999. It was built by a consortium of Japanese government, industry, and research groups. ASTER monitors cloud cover, glaciers, land temperature, land use, natural disasters, sea ice, snow cover and vegetation patterns at a spatial resolution of 90 to 15 meters. The multispectral images obtained from this sensor have 14 different colors, which allow scientists to interpret wavelengths that cannot be seen by the human eye, such as near infrared, short wave infrared and thermal infrared.


ASTER is the only high spatial resolution instrument on Terra that is important for change detection, calibration and/or validation, and land surface studies. ASTER data is expected to contribute to a wide array of global change-related application areas, including vegetation and ecosystem dynamics, hazard monitoring, geology and soils, land surface climatology, hydrology, land cover change, and the generation of digital elevation models (DEMs). Satellite Imaging Corporation (SIC) is an official distributor for ASTER Imagery through USGS.
For many image requests, a matching image can already be located in the archives of ASTER imagery from around the world. If no image data is available in the archives, new ASTER satellite image data can be acquired through a satellite tasking process. Besides providing image data, SIC performs many background tasks to ensure that we meet customer specifications and time schedules. Our company:
For more information and pricing, please contact us.

Launch Date
18 December 1999 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA
Equator Crossing
10:30 AM (north to south)
705 km altitude, sun synchronous
Orbit Inclination
98.3 degrees from the equator
Orbit Period
98.88 minutes
Grounding Track Repeat Cycle
16 days
15 to 90 meters

The ASTER instrument consists of three separate instrument subsystems:
VNIR (Visible Near Infrared), a backward looking telescope which is only used to acquire a stereo pair image
SWIR (ShortWave Infrared), a single fixed aspheric refracting telescope
TIR (Thermal Infrared)
ASTER high-resolution sensor is capable of producing stereoscopic (three-dimensional) images and detailed terrain height models. Other key features of ASTER are:
  • Multispectral thermal infrared data of high spatial resolution
  • Highest spatial resolution surface spectral reflectance, temperature, and emissivity data within the Terra instrument suite
  • Capability to schedule on-demand data acquisition requests
ASTER has 14 bands of information. For more information, please see the following table:

Spatial Resolution
Swath Width
Cross Track Pointing
± 318km (± 24 deg)
± 116km (± 8.55 deg)
± 116km (± 8.55 deg)
Quantisation (bits)

Geology, Yemen

Images are orthorectified and ready to use in your preferred GIS or remote sensing software.
VNIR data at 15m resolution is currently the best resolution multispectral satellite data available commercially, with the exception of very high resolution data like IKONOS or QuickBird.
The VNIR subsystem operates in three spectral bands at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, with a resolution of 15 meters. A comparison with the panchromatic 15m band on the LANDSAT 7 ETM+ data shows that ASTER imagery is better both spatially and spectrally.






For ASTER sample images, please visit the ASTER Gallery.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), to be realized by an international collaboration, leaded by the Nobel Prize Samuel Ting, is the first large acceptance (0.65 m2sr) particle detector designed to operate in space to measure, for many years, cosmic ray fluxes.  It will be installed, as part of the scientific program, on the International Space Station (ISS) Alpha, which will fly in a low (about 400 km) orbit around Earth, where it will acquire data for at lest three years. 
In its first configuration (known as AMS-01), it was installed on the shuttle Discovery, that during the STS-91 mission (2 - 12 June 1998) carried it along an orbit similar to that of the ISS.  During the 10 days of this trial mission, AMS acquired data corresponding to approximately 100 millions of triggers, letting us understand how well it will behave during the ISS. 
Following the precursor flight data analysis, a major upgrade of the detector has been proposed (called AMS-02 in the following), based on a superconducting magnet and on the addition of various detectors (Synchrotron radiation detector - SRD, Transition radiation detector - TRD, Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector RICH, Electromagnetic Calorimeter - ECAL).   The upgrade will allow AMS to 
extend the particle measurement and identification to very high energies. 


The AMS-01 detector is based on a permanent Ne-Fe-B magnet with an analyzing power of 0.15 T m2 that contains 4 of the 6 layers of the Silicon tracker and the scintillator counters of the anticoincidence system.   Each tracker plane gives a measure of 2 coordinates (x,y) with a resolution of 30 (x) and 10 (y) microns  and of energy deposition, thus giving the particle momentum and charge. 
The trigger is given by the time of flight (TOF) system, that in addition measures the velocity of the traversing particles and their charge.   Combined to the tracker measurements, this allows the determination of the particle mass. 
The detector is completed with a threshold Cherenkov counter, below the magnet, to improve the separation between electrons and protons up to 3.5 GV.
The AMS Bologna Group was responsible for the Time Of Flight (TOF) system of AMS-01.
This subdetector is used to trigger the data acquisition (DAQ) process, to take a precise (rms=120 ps) measurement of the time needed by a particle to traverse the AMS detector.


During the years spent on the International Space Station, AMS will have a different configuration from that of the STS-91 flight.  The magnet will be a superconducting one, and the tracker will have 8 Si planes, to achieve better rigidity resolution, there will be a RICH to extend to higher energies the TOF measurement range, and a TRD and an electromagnetic calorimeter will improve the capability to distinguish between different particles.  In addition, it is foreseen a SRD to analyze electromagnetic emissions from high energy electrons. 
If you want the most recent data available, go to the AMS home page.
The AMS Bologna Group is responsible for the Time Of Flight (TOF) system of AMS-02, and participates to the development of the proximity focusing Ring Imaging Cherenkov counter (RICH) of AMS-02.
The cosmic ray isotope distribution is currently well known only at low energies, below about 500 MeV/nucleon kinetic energy, whereas the element distribution is known up to about 35 GeV/c/nucleon and beyond for some element. In this context, AMS could extend the measurements up to 10 GeV/nucleon for light isotope identification. For the elements the upper momentum limit would be the maximum value measurable by the tracker with sufficient accuracy (about 1 TeV/nucleon).

Cosmic antimatter search

The main physics goal of AMS is the search for cosmic antimatter, that is for primary antinuclei.    During their propagation, cosmic rays interact with the interstellar medium and with the solar wind, producing a lot of different particles and antiparticles, for example antiprotons and antineutrons.   There is a small but finite probability to produce light antinuclei, like antideuteron, but this probability is exponentially decreasing with increasing nucleus mass.   There is a little probability that AMS will find few secondary antideuterons, but it's pratically impossible to reveal heavier antinuclei during its 3 years mission.    The detection of antihelium should then interpreted as the evidence of antistars.
The cosmic evolution, starting from the "big bang", could have produced two scenarios: a symmetric universe with equal amounts of particles and antiparticles, or a antisymmetric one with only particles.   In the first case, today we expect to see "islands" of matter and islands of antimatter separated by vacuum -- they cannot touch themselves -- but we don't know what is their separation: in principle it could be so big that the nearest antimatter island is outside our visible universe.
The light coming from stars and antistars is the same, so that we could test the existence of antimatter islands only by searching for antiparticles escaped from them.    Because the universe evolution should have been the same for matter and antimatter, we expect the same isotopic distribution for the cosmic antimatter: about 75% antiprotons, about 25% antihelium nuclei, few scars of other antinuclei.    This is the reason why AMS people is interested in antihelium nuclei: they are the only way to "see" antimatter islands.
For a short history of antimatter studies, click here.

Cosmic Rays propagation

The population of cosmic rays reaching the earth results from a highly complex succession or combination of physical processes including synthesis in the source of primary cosmic rays, ejection from the source, acceleration in supernovae originated shock fronts, transport in the galactic magnetic field and interstellar gas/plasma, spallation on interstellar matter giving rise to secondaries, interaction with the solar wind, stochastic reacceleration, etc...
The study of the cosmic ray abundances and energy distributions is an invaluable source of information on their transport history, and on the nature and distribution of their sources. In practice, the problem consists in solving a system of transport equations which incorporate terms arising from the various processes taking place during the propagation, Solving the system provides the source abundance of the particles (with parametrized momentum distributions), together with the parametrized escape length of the particles, halo distribution and matter density, depending on the particular model and on the nuclei studied.
Some specific information relevant to the propagation conditions can be extracted from some particular subsystems, like D/4He, 3He/4He, B/C or subFe/Fe. More generally, all purely secondary nuclei like Li, Be, B, 15N, 17,18O, 19F, 21Ne, 59Co for example are of particular interest for the comparison between primaries and secondaries originating from the former. The abundance of stable secondaries provide the path length distributions of cosmic rays through the interstellar matter, and their momentum dependence, the latter depending on the reacceleration processes.
Unstable nuclei play a very important role since a few of them having suitable mean lifetimes can provide unique information on their time confinement inside the galaxy. As an example, Beryllium is produced by fragmentation of heavier cosmic rays and is entirely secondary. 10Be with a half-life of 1.6 106 years is the most important radioactive clock for measuring the age of the cosmic rays. The ratio of radioactive 10Be to the stable 9Be is sensitive to the propagation lifetime of the cosmic rays and not to the total amount of matter traversed. At relativistic energies, time-dilation extends the decay lifetime of the 10Be, allowing it to probe longer mean ages. By extending measurements of beryllium isotopes to high energies (2÷8 GeV/nucleon) AMS can distinguish between current models of cosmic ray transport.